

Nov 21 2012

Armed- The Essential Guide to Concealed Carry

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Armed- The Essential Guide to Concealed CarryArned- The Essential Guide to Concealed Carry

Almost anywhere you go you’ll find someone offering advice on carrying a handgun for self-defense. But the book Armed- The Essential Guide to Concealed Carry is a little different than the other books out there.

Written by Bruce N. Eimer, Ph.D., a noted psychologist, former police officer, and firearm instructor, Bruce has a dedication to teaching skills for staying armed and alive, Armed is the thinking gun owner’s bible. This detailed book breaks down not just the tools and tactics, but the mindset and choices a law-abiding citizen must have and make to become self-reliant, alert and legally armed.

In this book you’ll find:

  1. Why going armed is about owning your safety, not just a handgun
  2. The true mindset that drives anti-gunners
  3. How to avoid the “Hero Syndrome”
  4. What rules of engagement lead to justifiable use of force
  5. How to deal with the trauma after a shooting incident
  6. Practical dry-fire and live-fire drills
  7. Weapon retention–keeping a gun grab from happening to you
  8. The Force Continuum–how it works and the actions you’ll take along its course to survive an attack
  9. And much, much more

With extensive overviews on the gear that works best, and common-sense solutions to everyday personal security problems, Armed- The Essential Guide to Concealed Carry is the one reference book that every truly responsible gun owner must read from cover to cover. Click on the link or image above to read book reviews and more details.


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