Where to find Kel-Tec Reviews:
Before I bought my first Kel-Tec pistol, I read a lot of Kel-Tec reviews first. I was amazed to find that there is a very active community of Kel-Tec owners that love to share their experiences with their Kel-Tec guns. The group of people I am taking about is called the Kel-Tec Owners Group, or KTOG for short.
The KTOG is an online discussion board where real people can discuss everything Kel-Tec. You can find Kel-Tec gun reviews, info about accessories, holsters, customizations, maintenance & repair, ammunition, you name it. If it has anything to do with Kel-Tec weapons, then you will find that information at the KTOG forum.
I discovered the KTOG forum while researching my first Kel-Tec purchase several years ago, and I still read and participate in the discussion today. The best part about the KTOG is that it is made up of REAL people with real world experiences. So, if your looking for Kel-Tec reviews that are unbiased and come from real Kel-Tec owners, check out the KTOG.
Have a good one,
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